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[1]孙敬锋; 韩卓然; 毛晴; 孙学亮。促进鱼类肠道微生态恢复的饲料添加剂、制备方法及应用。专利号:ZL202110358918.3

[2]孙敬锋; 韩卓然; 吕爱军; 石洪玥; 胡秀彩。一种提取鱼类肠道微生物基因组DNA的高温复合法。专利号:ZL201610086539.2


[1]Zhuoran Han, Jingfeng Sun*, Aijun Lv, Jian-an Xian, Yeong Yik Sung Xueliang Sun, Xiucai Hu, Kezhi Xing.Transcriptome profiling of immune-responsive genes in the intestine of Cynoglossus semilaevisGünther challenged with Shewanella algae. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2018, 80: 291-301. (SCI)

[2]Zhuoran Han, Jingfeng Sun*, Aijun Lv, YeongYik Sung, Hongyue Shi, Xiucai Hu, Kezhi Xing. Isolation, identification and characterization of Shewanella algaefrom reared tongue sole, Cynoglossus semilaevisGünther. Aquaculture. 2017, 468: 356-362. (SCI)

[3]Zhuoran Han, Jingfeng Sun*, Anli Wang, Aijun Lv, Xiucai Hu, Limei Chen, Yongjun Guo. Differentially expressed proteins in the intestine of Cynoglossus semilaevisGünther following a Shewanella algaechallenge. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2020, 104: 111-122. (SCI)

[4]Zhuoran Han, Jingfeng Sun*, Boyun Jiang, Xiucai Hu, Aijun Lv, Limei Chen, Yongjun Guo. Concurrent infections of Aeromonas veroniiand Vibrio choleraein koi carp (Cyprinus carpiovar. koi). Aquaculture. 2021, 535: 111-122. (SCI)

[5]Zhuoran Han, Jingfeng Sun*, Aijun Lv, Wang Anli.Biases from different DNA extraction methods in intestine microbiome research based on 16S rDNA sequencing: a case in the koi carp, Cyprinus carpiovar. Koi. Microbiology open. 2018, 8: e00626. (SCI)

[6]Zhuoran Han, Jingfeng Sun*, Aijun Lv, YeongYik Sung, Xueliang Sun, Hongyue Shi, Xiucai Hu, Anli Wang, Kezhi Xing.A modified method for genomic DNA extraction from the fish intestinal microflora. AMB Express. 2018, 8: 52. (SCI)

[7]Zhuoran Han, Jingfeng Sun*, Aijun Lv, Xueliang Sun, Hongyue Shi, Xiucai Hu, Qingkui Wang, Yongjun Guo, Kezhi Xing, Anli Wang. Changes in intestinal microflora of Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther following Shewanella algaeinfection. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 2018, 20 (4): 933-938. (SCI)

[8]Zhuoran Han, Jingfeng Sun*, Xiufang Liu, Xueliang Sun, Hongyue Shi, Yongjun Guo. The delimitation of intestine segments of koi carp (Cyprinus carpiovar.koi) based on histological features. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia: Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C. 2021, 50(5): 763-769. (SCI)

[9]Qing Mao1, Zhuoran Han1, Yinglan Li, Jingfeng Sun*, Yongjun Guo, Xueliang Sun, Limei Chen, Kezhi Xing. Histochemical distribution of three types of enzymes and mucous cells in the gill, mantle and hepatopancreas of the Ark Shell Scapharca subcrenata. Journal of Shellfish Research. 2019, 38 (2): 287. (SCI)

[10]Zhongjie Zan, Zhuoran Han, Yuting Hou, Yanyu Zhang, Jingfeng Sun*. Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for detection of Shewanella algaein fish. Aquaculture Reports. 2022, 26: 101292-101292. (SCI)

[11]Xue Zhang, Jingfeng Sun*, YonglongZhu, Zhuoran Han, Xiucai Hu, Aijun Lv, Yongjun Guo. First record of isolationandcharacterization of Vibrio sinaloensisfrom diseased orange-spottedgrouperEpinepheluscoioides. Dis Aquat Organ. 2022, 149:71-76. (SCI)

[12]Xue Zhang, Jingfeng Sun*, Zhuoran Han, Feng Chen,Yongjun Guo. Vibrio parahaemolyticusalters the community composition and function of intestinal microbiota in Pacific white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei. Aquaculture, 2021, (Pt 12):737061. (SCI)

[13]Feng Chen, Jingfeng Sun*, Zhuoran Han, Xijun Yang, Jian-an Xian, Aijun Lv, Xiucai Hu, Hongyue Shi. Isolation, identification and characteristics of Aeromonas veronii from diseased Crucian Carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). Frontiers in Microbiology. 2019, 10: 2742. (SCI)

[14]陈坤, 孙敬锋*, 韩卓然, 陈丽梅, 胡秀彩, 吕爱军. 建鲤肠道中4种胞内酶和黏液细胞的分布及组织化学定位. 大连海洋大学学报, 2021, 1-9. (北大核心)

[15]韩卓然, 石洪玥, 孙敬锋, 王一泽, 邢克智. 神经型一氧化氮合酶在大菱鲆脑组织中的分布及定位. 南方农业学报, 2016, 47 (2): 296-300. (北大核心)

[16]韩卓然, 孙敬锋, 刘军锋, 郭永军, 邢克智, 吕爱军, YEONG Yiksung. 毛蚶血细胞分类及吞噬功能研究. bv伟德国际体育官方网站学报. 2017, 3: 50-54. (北大核心)

[17]韩卓然, 孙敬锋. 水产动物益生菌的筛选及应用. 水产科学, 2016, 35 (1): 93-98. (北大核心)

[18]苗淼, 吕爱军, 胡秀彩, 韩卓然, 王景桂, 陈成勋, 孙敬锋*. 锦鲤厦门希瓦氏菌的分离鉴定与药敏试验. 南方农业学报, 2018, 49: 172-177. (北大核心)

[19]张燕玉, 韩卓然, 孙敬锋*, 吕爱军, 胡秀彩, 刘军锋. 海藻希瓦氏菌感染对半滑舌鳎肠道菌群结构及相关功能基因表达的影响. 南方农业学报, 2019,50: 2300-2307. (北大核心)






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